TrendX Consulting is a International strategic, innovative, hands-on consultancy, committed to providing top-notch and bespoke advisory services.
TrendX Consulting Private Limited (TrendX) is committed to conducting business in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics. TrendX has hence adopted a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that applies to everyone working for TrendX.
It is important that all Business Partners of TrendX adopt and share the same principles on ethics and professional conduct. Business Partners are organisations and individuals who enter into a contractual relationship with TrendX in order to provide goods or services. As Business Partner of TrendX, you hereby confirm having read TrendX's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. You recognize the importance of the Code and hereby confirm your adherence to it. If a Business Partner of TrendX encounters (or becomes aware of) a situation that appears to be contrary to the principles of TrendX's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, he/she is expected to report such situation to TrendX or, if an enhanced level of confidentiality is required, to its Ethical Compliance Counsel. Please refer to the provisions of points 5.1 of this Code for further details.
On top of the legal provisions protecting the so called “whistle blowers”, TrendX does not tolerate acts of retaliation against anyone who makes an honest and selfless report of a possible violation of TrendX's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, or who participates in a subsequent investigation. TrendX expects its Business Partners to adhere to this same principle and not to tolerate any retaliation against their personnel reporting possible violations and subsequent investigations. While working for TrendX the principles of TrendX's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct are mandatory and are part of every contractual arrangement. A violation of TrendX's Code is a breach of contract and can lead to a termination of the contract between TrendX and its Business Partner.